Step 1 – Run a MetaCertify to Check on the Database

  1. Update this batch file example with your installation locations and the name of your jade.ini file:

  2. set InstallPath=D:\ICM
    set SysPath=%InstallPath%\c_system
    set BinPath=%InstallPath%\c_bin
    set IniFile=%InstallPath%\jade.ini
    set FixPath=%InstallPath%\MetaCertifyLogs
    if not exist %FixPath% md %FixPath%
    %BinPath%\jadclient path=%SysPath% ini=%IniFile% server=singleUser schema=RootSchema app=JadeLogicalCertifierNonGui JadeInterpreter.WriteEnabled=false endJade operation=certifyMeta logDir=%FixPath%

  3. Run your updated batch file.

  4. If you have any issues when you run your batch file, send all the resulting _logcert.* and _metacert.* files to ICM Support.

    These are all the files created in the MetaCertifyLogs folder where you have ICM installed.

  5. Once we've checked and verified these, you might need to run a MetaCertify fix, before you proceed further.