Step 1 – Run a MetaCertify to Check on the Database
Update this batch file example with your installation locations and the name of your jade.ini file:
Run your updated batch file.
If you have any issues when you run your batch file, send all the resulting _logcert.* and _metacert.* files to ICM Support.
These are all the files created in the MetaCertifyLogs folder where you have ICM installed.
Once we've checked and verified these, you might need to run a MetaCertify fix, before you proceed further.
set InstallPath=D:\ICM
set SysPath=%InstallPath%\c_system
set BinPath=%InstallPath%\c_bin
set IniFile=%InstallPath%\jade.ini
set FixPath=%InstallPath%\MetaCertifyLogs
if not exist %FixPath% md %FixPath% %BinPath%\jadclient path=%SysPath% ini=%IniFile% server=singleUser schema=RootSchema app=JadeLogicalCertifierNonGui JadeInterpreter.WriteEnabled=false endJade operation=certifyMeta logDir=%FixPath% pause